Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Freedom of Speech defined and investigated.

More ground work on the Freedom of Speech and how it is acknowledged around the world.

Definition of Freedom of Speech: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Freedom_of_speech

Other sources to consider:





Sunday, August 25, 2013


Having witnessed several "Illegal" protests during a trip to Russia in the summer of 2013, the idea of people being publicly silenced struck a nerve. Through the ages people have protested knowing they might be beaten, imprisoned or even murdered. My goal is to call attention to these conditions silently.

 With 12 days until I leave for Australia, I continue to research protests and persecutions happening around the globe. Particularly interesting and current is Russian's new "No Protest Zone" during the Sochi Winter Olympics. 

Referencing three international sources:




 The workshops to be conducted in Australia will allow the participates to direct the focus on the issues of the freedom of speech and public "silencing".

We will reference current examples while revisiting historically significant protests both local and international..